Source code for spack.package_base

# Copyright 2013-2024 Lawrence Livermore National Security, LLC and other
# Spack Project Developers. See the top-level COPYRIGHT file for details.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: (Apache-2.0 OR MIT)
"""This is where most of the action happens in Spack.

The spack package class structure is based strongly on Homebrew
(, mainly because Homebrew makes it very easy to create

import base64
import collections
import copy
import functools
import glob
import hashlib
import inspect
import io
import os
import re
import shutil
import sys
import textwrap
import time
import traceback
import typing
import warnings
from typing import Any, Callable, Dict, Iterable, List, Optional, Set, Tuple, Type, TypeVar, Union

import llnl.util.filesystem as fsys
import llnl.util.tty as tty
from llnl.util.lang import classproperty, memoized
from llnl.util.link_tree import LinkTree

import spack.compilers
import spack.config
import spack.deptypes as dt
import spack.directives
import spack.directory_layout
import spack.environment
import spack.error
import spack.fetch_strategy as fs
import spack.hooks
import spack.mirror
import spack.mixins
import spack.multimethod
import spack.patch
import spack.paths
import spack.repo
import spack.spec
import spack.url
import spack.util.environment
import spack.util.path
import spack.util.web
from spack.filesystem_view import YamlFilesystemView
from spack.install_test import (
from spack.installer import InstallError, PackageInstaller
from spack.stage import DevelopStage, ResourceStage, Stage, StageComposite, compute_stage_name
from spack.util.executable import ProcessError, which
from spack.util.package_hash import package_hash
from spack.version import GitVersion, StandardVersion

    Optional[Iterable[str]], Optional[Iterable[str]], Optional[Iterable[str]]
FLAG_HANDLER_TYPE = Callable[[str, Iterable[str]], FLAG_HANDLER_RETURN_TYPE]

"""Allowed URL schemes for spack packages."""
_ALLOWED_URL_SCHEMES = ["http", "https", "ftp", "file", "git"]

#: Filename for the Spack build/install log.
_spack_build_logfile = "spack-build-out.txt"

#: Filename for the Spack build/install environment file.
_spack_build_envfile = "spack-build-env.txt"

#: Filename for the Spack build/install environment modifications file.
_spack_build_envmodsfile = "spack-build-env-mods.txt"

#: Filename for the Spack configure args file.
_spack_configure_argsfile = "spack-configure-args.txt"

#: Filename of json with total build and phase times (seconds)
spack_times_log = "install_times.json"

[docs] def deprecated_version(pkg: "PackageBase", version: Union[str, StandardVersion]) -> bool: """Return True iff the version is deprecated. Arguments: pkg: The package whose version is to be checked. version: The version being checked """ if not isinstance(version, StandardVersion): version = StandardVersion.from_string(version) details = pkg.versions.get(version) return details is not None and details.get("deprecated", False)
[docs] def preferred_version(pkg: "PackageBase"): """ Returns a sorted list of the preferred versions of the package. Arguments: pkg: The package whose versions are to be assessed. """ # Here we sort first on the fact that a version is marked # as preferred in the package, then on the fact that the # version is not develop, then lexicographically key_fn = lambda v: (pkg.versions[v].get("preferred", False), not v.isdevelop(), v) return max(pkg.versions, key=key_fn)
[docs] class WindowsRPath: """Collection of functionality surrounding Windows RPATH specific features This is essentially meaningless for all other platforms due to their use of RPATH. All methods within this class are no-ops on non Windows. Packages can customize and manipulate this class as they would a genuine RPATH, i.e. adding directories that contain runtime library dependencies"""
[docs] def win_add_library_dependent(self): """Return extra set of directories that require linking for package This method should be overridden by packages that produce binaries/libraries/python extension modules/etc that are installed into directories outside a package's `bin`, `lib`, and `lib64` directories, but still require linking against one of the packages dependencies, or other components of the package itself. No-op otherwise. Returns: List of additional directories that require linking """ return []
[docs] def win_add_rpath(self): """Return extra set of rpaths for package This method should be overridden by packages needing to include additional paths to be searched by rpath. No-op otherwise Returns: List of additional rpaths """ return []
[docs] def windows_establish_runtime_linkage(self): """Establish RPATH on Windows Performs symlinking to incorporate rpath dependencies to Windows runtime search paths """ if sys.platform == "win32": self.win_rpath.add_library_dependent(*self.win_add_library_dependent()) self.win_rpath.add_rpath(*self.win_add_rpath()) self.win_rpath.establish_link()
#: Registers which are the detectable packages, by repo and package name #: Need a pass of package repositories to be filled. detectable_packages = collections.defaultdict(list)
[docs] class DetectablePackageMeta(type): """Check if a package is detectable and add default implementations for the detection function. """ TAG = "detectable" def __init__(cls, name, bases, attr_dict): if hasattr(cls, "executables") and hasattr(cls, "libraries"): msg = "a package can have either an 'executables' or 'libraries' attribute" raise spack.error.SpackError(f"{msg} [package '{name}' defines both]") # On windows, extend the list of regular expressions to look for # filenames ending with ".exe" # (in some cases these regular expressions include "$" to avoid # pulling in filenames with unexpected suffixes, but this allows # for example detecting "foo.exe" when the package writer specified # that "foo" was a possible executable. # If a package has the executables or libraries attribute then it's # assumed to be detectable if hasattr(cls, "executables") or hasattr(cls, "libraries"): # Append a tag to each detectable package, so that finding them is faster if hasattr(cls, "tags"): getattr(cls, "tags").append(DetectablePackageMeta.TAG) else: setattr(cls, "tags", [DetectablePackageMeta.TAG]) @classmethod def platform_executables(cls): def to_windows_exe(exe): if exe.endswith("$"): exe = exe.replace("$", "%s$" % spack.util.path.win_exe_ext()) else: exe += spack.util.path.win_exe_ext() return exe plat_exe = [] if hasattr(cls, "executables"): for exe in cls.executables: if sys.platform == "win32": exe = to_windows_exe(exe) plat_exe.append(exe) return plat_exe @classmethod def determine_spec_details(cls, prefix, objs_in_prefix): """Allow ``spack external find ...`` to locate installations. Args: prefix (str): the directory containing the executables or libraries objs_in_prefix (set): the executables or libraries that match the regex Returns: The list of detected specs for this package """ objs_by_version = collections.defaultdict(list) # The default filter function is the identity function for the # list of executables filter_fn = getattr(cls, "filter_detected_exes", lambda x, exes: exes) objs_in_prefix = filter_fn(prefix, objs_in_prefix) for obj in objs_in_prefix: try: version_str = cls.determine_version(obj) if version_str: objs_by_version[version_str].append(obj) except Exception as e: msg = ( "An error occurred when trying to detect " 'the version of "{0}" [{1}]' ) tty.debug(msg.format(obj, str(e))) specs = [] for version_str, objs in objs_by_version.items(): variants = cls.determine_variants(objs, version_str) # Normalize output to list if not isinstance(variants, list): variants = [variants] for variant in variants: if isinstance(variant, str): variant = (variant, {}) variant_str, extra_attributes = variant spec_str = "{0}@{1} {2}".format(, version_str, variant_str) # Pop a few reserved keys from extra attributes, since # they have a different semantics external_path = extra_attributes.pop("prefix", None) external_modules = extra_attributes.pop("modules", None) try: spec = spack.spec.Spec( spec_str, external_path=external_path, external_modules=external_modules, ) except Exception as e: msg = 'Parsing failed [spec_str="{0}", error={1}]' tty.debug(msg.format(spec_str, str(e))) else: specs.append( spack.spec.Spec.from_detection( spec, extra_attributes=extra_attributes ) ) return sorted(specs) @classmethod def determine_variants(cls, objs, version_str): return "" # Register the class as a detectable package detectable_packages[cls.namespace].append( # Attach function implementations to the detectable class default = False if not hasattr(cls, "determine_spec_details"): default = True cls.determine_spec_details = determine_spec_details if default and not hasattr(cls, "determine_version"): msg = ( 'the package "{0}" in the "{1}" repo needs to define' ' the "determine_version" method to be detectable' ) NotImplementedError(msg.format(, cls.namespace)) if default and not hasattr(cls, "determine_variants"): cls.determine_variants = determine_variants # This function should not be overridden by subclasses, # as it is not designed for bespoke pkg detection but rather # on a per-platform basis if "platform_executables" in cls.__dict__.keys(): raise PackageError("Packages should not override platform_executables") cls.platform_executables = platform_executables super(DetectablePackageMeta, cls).__init__(name, bases, attr_dict)
[docs] class PackageMeta( spack.builder.PhaseCallbacksMeta, DetectablePackageMeta, spack.directives.DirectiveMeta, spack.multimethod.MultiMethodMeta, ): """ Package metaclass for supporting directives (e.g., depends_on) and phases """ def __new__(cls, name, bases, attr_dict): """ FIXME: REWRITE Instance creation is preceded by phase attribute transformations. Conveniently transforms attributes to permit extensible phases by iterating over the attribute 'phases' and creating / updating private InstallPhase attributes in the class that will be initialized in __init__. """ attr_dict["_name"] = None return super(PackageMeta, cls).__new__(cls, name, bases, attr_dict)
[docs] def on_package_attributes(**attr_dict): """Decorator: executes instance function only if object has attr valuses. Executes the decorated method only if at the moment of calling the instance has attributes that are equal to certain values. Args: attr_dict (dict): dictionary mapping attribute names to their required values """ def _execute_under_condition(func): @functools.wraps(func) def _wrapper(instance, *args, **kwargs): # If all the attributes have the value we require, then execute has_all_attributes = all([hasattr(instance, key) for key in attr_dict]) if has_all_attributes: has_the_right_values = all( [ getattr(instance, key) == value for key, value in attr_dict.items() ] # NOQA: ignore=E501 ) if has_the_right_values: func(instance, *args, **kwargs) return _wrapper return _execute_under_condition
[docs] class PackageViewMixin: """This collects all functionality related to adding installed Spack package to views. Packages can customize how they are added to views by overriding these functions. """
[docs] def view_source(self): """The source root directory that will be added to the view: files are added such that their path relative to the view destination matches their path relative to the view source. """ return self.spec.prefix
[docs] def view_destination(self, view): """The target root directory: each file is added relative to this directory. """ return view.get_projection_for_spec(self.spec)
[docs] def view_file_conflicts(self, view, merge_map): """Report any files which prevent adding this package to the view. The default implementation looks for any files which already exist. Alternative implementations may allow some of the files to exist in the view (in this case they would be omitted from the results). """ return set(dst for dst in merge_map.values() if os.path.lexists(dst))
[docs] def add_files_to_view(self, view, merge_map, skip_if_exists=True): """Given a map of package files to destination paths in the view, add the files to the view. By default this adds all files. Alternative implementations may skip some files, for example if other packages linked into the view already include the file. Args: view (spack.filesystem_view.FilesystemView): the view that's updated merge_map (dict): maps absolute source paths to absolute dest paths for all files in from this package. skip_if_exists (bool): when True, don't link files in view when they already exist. When False, always link files, without checking if they already exist. """ if skip_if_exists: for src, dst in merge_map.items(): if not os.path.lexists(dst):, dst, spec=self.spec) else: for src, dst in merge_map.items():, dst, spec=self.spec)
[docs] def remove_files_from_view(self, view, merge_map): """Given a map of package files to files currently linked in the view, remove the files from the view. The default implementation removes all files. Alternative implementations may not remove all files. For example if two packages include the same file, it should only be removed when both packages are removed. """ view.remove_files(merge_map.values())
Pb = TypeVar("Pb", bound="PackageBase") WhenDict = Dict[spack.spec.Spec, Dict[str, Any]] NameValuesDict = Dict[str, List[Any]] NameWhenDict = Dict[str, Dict[spack.spec.Spec, List[Any]]] def _by_name( when_indexed_dictionary: WhenDict, when: bool = False ) -> Union[NameValuesDict, NameWhenDict]: """Convert a dict of dicts keyed by when/name into a dict of lists keyed by name. Optional Arguments: when: if ``True``, don't discared the ``when`` specs; return a 2-level dictionary keyed by name and when spec. """ # very hard to define this type to be conditional on `when` all_by_name: Dict[str, Any] = {} for when_spec, by_name in when_indexed_dictionary.items(): for name, value in by_name.items(): if when: when_dict = all_by_name.setdefault(name, {}) when_dict.setdefault(when_spec, []).append(value) else: all_by_name.setdefault(name, []).append(value) return dict(sorted(all_by_name.items())) def _names(when_indexed_dictionary): """Get sorted names from dicts keyed by when/name.""" all_names = set() for when, by_name in when_indexed_dictionary.items(): for name in by_name: all_names.add(name) return sorted(all_names)
[docs] class RedistributionMixin: """Logic for determining whether a Package is source/binary redistributable. """ #: Store whether a given Spec source/binary should not be #: redistributed. disable_redistribute: Dict["spack.spec.Spec", "spack.directives.DisableRedistribute"] # Source redistribution must be determined before concretization # (because source mirrors work with un-concretized Specs).
[docs] @classmethod def redistribute_source(cls, spec): """Whether it should be possible to add the source of this package to a Spack mirror. """ for when_spec, disable_redistribute in cls.disable_redistribute.items(): if disable_redistribute.source and spec.satisfies(when_spec): return False return True
@property def redistribute_binary(self): """Whether it should be possible to create a binary out of an installed instance of this package. """ for when_spec, disable_redistribute in self.__class__.disable_redistribute.items(): if disable_redistribute.binary and self.spec.satisfies(when_spec): return False return True
[docs] class PackageBase(WindowsRPath, PackageViewMixin, RedistributionMixin, metaclass=PackageMeta): """This is the superclass for all spack packages. ***The Package class*** At its core, a package consists of a set of software to be installed. A package may focus on a piece of software and its associated software dependencies or it may simply be a set, or bundle, of software. The former requires defining how to fetch, verify (via, e.g., sha256), build, and install that software and the packages it depends on, so that dependencies can be installed along with the package itself. The latter, sometimes referred to as a ``no-source`` package, requires only defining the packages to be built. Packages are written in pure Python. There are two main parts of a Spack package: 1. **The package class**. Classes contain ``directives``, which are special functions, that add metadata (versions, patches, dependencies, and other information) to packages (see ````). Directives provide the constraints that are used as input to the concretizer. 2. **Package instances**. Once instantiated, a package is essentially a software installer. Spack calls methods like ``do_install()`` on the ``Package`` object, and it uses those to drive user-implemented methods like ``patch()``, ``install()``, and other build steps. To install software, an instantiated package needs a *concrete* spec, which guides the behavior of the various install methods. Packages are imported from repos (see ````). **Package DSL** Look in ``lib/spack/docs`` or check for the full documentation of the package domain-specific language. That used to be partially documented here, but as it grew, the docs here became increasingly out of date. **Package Lifecycle** A package's lifecycle over a run of Spack looks something like this: .. code-block:: python p = Package() # Done for you by spack p.do_fetch() # downloads tarball from a URL (or VCS) p.do_stage() # expands tarball in a temp directory p.do_patch() # applies patches to expanded source p.do_install() # calls package's install() function p.do_uninstall() # removes install directory although packages that do not have code have nothing to fetch so omit ``p.do_fetch()``. There are also some other commands that clean the build area: .. code-block:: python p.do_clean() # removes the stage directory entirely p.do_restage() # removes the build directory and # re-expands the archive. The convention used here is that a ``do_*`` function is intended to be called internally by Spack commands (in ``spack.cmd``). These aren't for package writers to override, and doing so may break the functionality of the Package class. Package creators have a lot of freedom, and they could technically override anything in this class. That is not usually required. For most use cases. Package creators typically just add attributes like ``homepage`` and, for a code-based package, ``url``, or functions such as ``install()``. There are many custom ``Package`` subclasses in the ``spack.build_systems`` package that make things even easier for specific build systems. """ # # These are default values for instance variables. # # Declare versions dictionary as placeholder for values. # This allows analysis tools to correctly interpret the class attributes. versions: dict dependencies: Dict["spack.spec.Spec", Dict[str, "spack.dependency.Dependency"]] conflicts: Dict["spack.spec.Spec", List[Tuple["spack.spec.Spec", Optional[str]]]] requirements: Dict[ "spack.spec.Spec", List[Tuple[Tuple["spack.spec.Spec", ...], str, Optional[str]]] ] provided: Dict["spack.spec.Spec", Set["spack.spec.Spec"]] provided_together: Dict["spack.spec.Spec", List[Set[str]]] patches: Dict["spack.spec.Spec", List["spack.patch.Patch"]] variants: Dict[str, Tuple["spack.variant.Variant", "spack.spec.Spec"]] languages: Dict["spack.spec.Spec", Set[str]] #: By default, packages are not virtual #: Virtual packages override this attribute virtual = False #: Most Spack packages are used to install source or binary code while #: those that do not can be used to install a set of other Spack packages. has_code = True #: By default we build in parallel. Subclasses can override this. parallel = True #: By default do not run tests within package's install() run_tests = False #: Keep -Werror flags, matches config:flags:keep_werror to override config # NOTE: should be type Optional[Literal['all', 'specific', 'none']] in 3.8+ keep_werror: Optional[str] = None #: Most packages are NOT extendable. Set to True if you want extensions. extendable = False #: When True, add RPATHs for the entire DAG. When False, add RPATHs only #: for immediate dependencies. transitive_rpaths = True #: List of shared objects that should be replaced with a different library at #: runtime. Typically includes stub libraries like When linking #: against a library listed here, the dependent will only record its soname #: or filename, not its absolute path, so that the dynamic linker will search #: for it. Note: accepts both file names and directory names, for example #: ``["", "stubs"]`` will ensure and all libraries in the #: stubs directory are not bound by path.""" non_bindable_shared_objects: List[str] = [] #: List of prefix-relative file paths (or a single path). If these do #: not exist after install, or if they exist but are not files, #: sanity checks fail. sanity_check_is_file: List[str] = [] #: List of prefix-relative directory paths (or a single path). If #: these do not exist after install, or if they exist but are not #: directories, sanity checks will fail. sanity_check_is_dir: List[str] = [] #: Boolean. Set to ``True`` for packages that require a manual download. #: This is currently used by package sanity tests and generation of a #: more meaningful fetch failure error. manual_download = False #: Set of additional options used when fetching package versions. fetch_options: Dict[str, Any] = {} # # Set default licensing information # #: Boolean. If set to ``True``, this software requires a license. #: If set to ``False``, all of the ``license_*`` attributes will #: be ignored. Defaults to ``False``. license_required = False #: String. Contains the symbol used by the license manager to denote #: a comment. Defaults to ``#``. license_comment = "#" #: List of strings. These are files that the software searches for when #: looking for a license. All file paths must be relative to the #: installation directory. More complex packages like Intel may require #: multiple licenses for individual components. Defaults to the empty list. license_files: List[str] = [] #: List of strings. Environment variables that can be set to tell the #: software where to look for a license if it is not in the usual location. #: Defaults to the empty list. license_vars: List[str] = [] #: String. A URL pointing to license setup instructions for the software. #: Defaults to the empty string. license_url = "" #: Verbosity level, preserved across installs. _verbose = None #: index of patches by sha256 sum, built lazily _patches_by_hash = None #: Package homepage where users can find more information about the package homepage: Optional[str] = None #: Default list URL (place to find available versions) list_url: Optional[str] = None #: Link depth to which list_url should be searched for new versions list_depth = 0 #: List of strings which contains GitHub usernames of package maintainers. #: Do not include @ here in order not to unnecessarily ping the users. maintainers: List[str] = [] #: List of attributes to be excluded from a package's hash. metadata_attrs = [ "homepage", "url", "urls", "list_url", "extendable", "parallel", "make_jobs", "maintainers", "tags", ] #: Set to ``True`` to indicate the stand-alone test requires a compiler. #: It is used to ensure a compiler and build dependencies like 'cmake' #: are available to build a custom test code. test_requires_compiler: bool = False #: TestSuite instance used to manage stand-alone tests for 1+ specs. test_suite: Optional["TestSuite"] = None def __init__(self, spec): # this determines how the package should be built. self.spec: "spack.spec.Spec" = spec # Allow custom staging paths for packages self.path = None # Keep track of whether or not this package was installed from # a binary cache. self.installed_from_binary_cache = False # Ensure that only one of these two attributes are present if getattr(self, "url", None) and getattr(self, "urls", None): msg = "a package can have either a 'url' or a 'urls' attribute" msg += " [package '{}' defines both]" raise ValueError(msg.format(self)) # init internal variables self._stage = None self._fetcher = None self._tester: Optional["PackageTest"] = None # Set up timing variables self._fetch_time = 0.0 self.win_rpath = fsys.WindowsSimulatedRPath(self) if self.is_extension: pkg_cls = spack.repo.PATH.get_pkg_class( pkg_cls(self.extendee_spec)._check_extendable() super().__init__()
[docs] @classmethod def dependency_names(cls): return _names(cls.dependencies)
[docs] @classmethod def dependencies_by_name(cls, when: bool = False): return _by_name(cls.dependencies, when=when)
[docs] @classmethod def possible_dependencies( cls, transitive: bool = True, expand_virtuals: bool = True, depflag: dt.DepFlag = dt.ALL, visited: Optional[dict] = None, missing: Optional[dict] = None, virtuals: Optional[set] = None, ) -> Dict[str, Set[str]]: """Return dict of possible dependencies of this package. Args: transitive (bool or None): return all transitive dependencies if True, only direct dependencies if False (default True).. expand_virtuals (bool or None): expand virtual dependencies into all possible implementations (default True) depflag: dependency types to consider visited (dict or None): dict of names of dependencies visited so far, mapped to their immediate dependencies' names. missing (dict or None): dict to populate with packages and their *missing* dependencies. virtuals (set): if provided, populate with virtuals seen so far. Returns: (dict): dictionary mapping dependency names to *their* immediate dependencies Each item in the returned dictionary maps a (potentially transitive) dependency of this package to its possible *immediate* dependencies. If ``expand_virtuals`` is ``False``, virtual package names wil be inserted as keys mapped to empty sets of dependencies. Virtuals, if not expanded, are treated as though they have no immediate dependencies. Missing dependencies by default are ignored, but if a missing dict is provided, it will be populated with package names mapped to any dependencies they have that are in no repositories. This is only populated if transitive is True. Note: the returned dict *includes* the package itself. """ visited = {} if visited is None else visited missing = {} if missing is None else missing visited.setdefault(, set()) for name, conditions in cls.dependencies_by_name(when=True).items(): # check whether this dependency could be of the type asked for depflag_union = 0 for deplist in conditions.values(): for dep in deplist: depflag_union |= dep.depflag if not (depflag & depflag_union): continue # expand virtuals if enabled, otherwise just stop at virtuals if spack.repo.PATH.is_virtual(name): if virtuals is not None: virtuals.add(name) if expand_virtuals: providers = spack.repo.PATH.providers_for(name) dep_names = [ for spec in providers] else: visited.setdefault(, set()).add(name) visited.setdefault(name, set()) continue else: dep_names = [name] # add the dependency names to the visited dict visited.setdefault(, set()).update(set(dep_names)) # recursively traverse dependencies for dep_name in dep_names: if dep_name in visited: continue visited.setdefault(dep_name, set()) # skip the rest if not transitive if not transitive: continue try: dep_cls = spack.repo.PATH.get_pkg_class(dep_name) except spack.repo.UnknownPackageError: # log unknown packages missing.setdefault(, set()).add(dep_name) continue dep_cls.possible_dependencies( transitive, expand_virtuals, depflag, visited, missing, virtuals ) return visited
@classproperty def package_dir(cls): """Directory where the file lives.""" return os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(cls.module.__file__)) @classproperty def module(cls): """Module object (not just the name) that this package is defined in. We use this to add variables to package modules. This makes install() methods easier to write (e.g., can call configure()) """ return __import__(cls.__module__, fromlist=[cls.__name__]) @classproperty def namespace(cls): """Spack namespace for the package, which identifies its repo.""" return spack.repo.namespace_from_fullname(cls.__module__) @classproperty def fullname(cls): """Name of this package, including the namespace""" return "%s.%s" % (cls.namespace, @classproperty def fullnames(cls): """Fullnames for this package and any packages from which it inherits.""" fullnames = [] for cls in inspect.getmro(cls): namespace = getattr(cls, "namespace", None) if namespace: fullnames.append("%s.%s" % (namespace, if namespace == "builtin": # builtin packages cannot inherit from other repos break return fullnames @classproperty def name(cls): """The name of this package. The name of a package is the name of its Python module, without the containing module names. """ if cls._name is None: cls._name = cls.module.__name__ if "." in cls._name: cls._name = cls._name[cls._name.rindex(".") + 1 :] return cls._name @classproperty def global_license_dir(cls): """Returns the directory where license files for all packages are stored.""" return spack.util.path.canonicalize_path(spack.config.get("config:license_dir")) @property def global_license_file(self): """Returns the path where a global license file for this particular package should be stored.""" if not self.license_files: return return os.path.join( self.global_license_dir,, os.path.basename(self.license_files[0]) ) @property def version(self): if not self.spec.versions.concrete: raise ValueError( "Version requested for a package that" " does not have a concrete version." ) return self.spec.versions[0]
[docs] @classmethod @memoized def version_urls(cls) -> Dict[StandardVersion, str]: """Dict of explicitly defined URLs for versions of this package. Return: An dict mapping version to url, ordered by version. A version's URL only appears in the result if it has an an explicitly defined ``url`` argument. So, this list may be empty if a package only defines ``url`` at the top level. """ return {v: args["url"] for v, args in sorted(cls.versions.items()) if "url" in args}
[docs] def nearest_url(self, version): """Finds the URL with the "closest" version to ``version``. This uses the following precedence order: 1. Find the next lowest or equal version with a URL. 2. If no lower URL, return the next *higher* URL. 3. If no higher URL, return None. """ version_urls = self.version_urls() if version in version_urls: return version_urls[version] last_url = None for v, u in self.version_urls().items(): if v > version: if last_url: return last_url last_url = u return last_url
[docs] def url_for_version(self, version): """Returns a URL from which the specified version of this package may be downloaded. version: class Version The version for which a URL is sought. See Class Version ( """ return self._implement_all_urls_for_version(version)[0]
[docs] def update_external_dependencies(self, extendee_spec=None): """ Method to override in package classes to handle external dependencies """ pass
[docs] def all_urls_for_version(self, version: StandardVersion) -> List[str]: """Return all URLs derived from version_urls(), url, urls, and list_url (if it contains a version) in a package in that order. Args: version: the version for which a URL is sought """ uf = None if type(self).url_for_version != PackageBase.url_for_version: uf = self.url_for_version return self._implement_all_urls_for_version(version, uf)
def _implement_all_urls_for_version( self, version: Union[str, StandardVersion], custom_url_for_version: Optional[Callable[[StandardVersion], Optional[str]]] = None, ) -> List[str]: version = StandardVersion.from_string(version) if isinstance(version, str) else version urls: List[str] = [] # If we have a specific URL for this version, don't extrapolate. url = self.version_urls().get(version) if url: urls.append(url) # if there is a custom url_for_version, use it if custom_url_for_version is not None: u = custom_url_for_version(version) if u is not None and u not in urls: urls.append(u) def sub_and_add(u: Optional[str]) -> None: if u is None: return # skip the url if there is no version to replace try: spack.url.parse_version(u) except spack.url.UndetectableVersionError: return urls.append(spack.url.substitute_version(u, self.url_version(version))) # If no specific URL, use the default, class-level URL sub_and_add(getattr(self, "url", None)) for u in getattr(self, "urls", []): sub_and_add(u) sub_and_add(getattr(self, "list_url", None)) # if no version-bearing URLs can be found, try them raw if not urls: default_url = getattr(self, "url", getattr(self, "urls", [None])[0]) # if no exact match AND no class-level default, use the nearest URL if not default_url: default_url = self.nearest_url(version) # if there are NO URLs to go by, then we can't do anything if not default_url: raise NoURLError(self.__class__) urls.append(spack.url.substitute_version(default_url, self.url_version(version))) return urls
[docs] def find_valid_url_for_version(self, version): """Returns a URL from which the specified version of this package may be downloaded after testing whether the url is valid. Will try url, urls, and list_url before failing. version: class Version The version for which a URL is sought. See Class Version ( """ urls = self.all_urls_for_version(version) for u in urls: if spack.util.web.url_exists(u): return u return None
def _make_resource_stage(self, root_stage, resource): pretty_resource_name = fsys.polite_filename(f"{}-{self.version}") return ResourceStage( resource.fetcher, root=root_stage, resource=resource, name=self._resource_stage(resource), mirror_paths=spack.mirror.mirror_archive_paths( resource.fetcher, os.path.join(, pretty_resource_name) ), path=self.path, ) def _download_search(self): dynamic_fetcher = fs.from_list_url(self) return [dynamic_fetcher] if dynamic_fetcher else [] def _make_root_stage(self, fetcher): # Construct a mirror path (TODO: get this out of format_string = "{name}-{version}" pretty_name = self.spec.format_path(format_string) mirror_paths = spack.mirror.mirror_archive_paths( fetcher, os.path.join(, pretty_name), self.spec ) # Construct a path where the stage should build.. s = self.spec stage_name = compute_stage_name(s) stage = Stage( fetcher, mirror_paths=mirror_paths, name=stage_name, path=self.path, search_fn=self._download_search, ) return stage def _make_stage(self): # If it's a dev package (not transitively), use a DIY stage object dev_path_var = self.spec.variants.get("dev_path", None) if dev_path_var: dev_path = dev_path_var.value link_format = spack.config.get("config:develop_stage_link") if not link_format: link_format = "build-{arch}-{hash:7}" stage_link = self.spec.format_path(link_format) return DevelopStage(compute_stage_name(self.spec), dev_path, stage_link) # To fetch the current version source_stage = self._make_root_stage(self.fetcher) # all_stages is source + resources + patches all_stages = StageComposite() all_stages.append(source_stage) all_stages.extend( self._make_resource_stage(source_stage, r) for r in self._get_needed_resources() ) if self.spec.concrete: all_stages.extend( p.stage for p in self.spec.patches if isinstance(p, spack.patch.UrlPatch) ) else: # The only code path that gets here is spack mirror create --all which just needs all # matching patches. all_stages.extend( p.stage for when_spec, patch_list in self.patches.items() if self.spec.intersects(when_spec) for p in patch_list if isinstance(p, spack.patch.UrlPatch) ) return all_stages @property def stage(self): """Get the build staging area for this package. This automatically instantiates a ``Stage`` object if the package doesn't have one yet, but it does not create the Stage directory on the filesystem. """ if not self.spec.versions.concrete: raise ValueError("Cannot retrieve stage for package without concrete version.") if self._stage is None: self._stage = self._make_stage() return self._stage @stage.setter def stage(self, stage): """Allow a stage object to be set to override the default.""" self._stage = stage @property def env_path(self): """Return the build environment file path associated with staging.""" return os.path.join(self.stage.path, _spack_build_envfile) @property def env_mods_path(self): """ Return the build environment modifications file path associated with staging. """ return os.path.join(self.stage.path, _spack_build_envmodsfile) @property def metadata_dir(self): """Return the install metadata directory.""" return @property def install_env_path(self): """ Return the build environment file path on successful installation. """ # Backward compatibility: Return the name of an existing log path; # otherwise, return the current install env path name. old_filename = os.path.join(self.metadata_dir, "build.env") if os.path.exists(old_filename): return old_filename else: return os.path.join(self.metadata_dir, _spack_build_envfile) @property def log_path(self): """Return the build log file path associated with staging.""" return os.path.join(self.stage.path, _spack_build_logfile) @property def phase_log_files(self): """Find sorted phase log files written to the staging directory""" logs_dir = os.path.join(self.stage.path, "spack-build-*-out.txt") log_files = glob.glob(logs_dir) log_files.sort() return log_files @property def install_log_path(self): """Return the (compressed) build log file path on successful installation""" # Backward compatibility: Return the name of an existing install log. for filename in [_spack_build_logfile, "build.out", "build.txt"]: old_log = os.path.join(self.metadata_dir, filename) if os.path.exists(old_log): return old_log # Otherwise, return the current install log path name. return os.path.join(self.metadata_dir, _spack_build_logfile + ".gz") @property def configure_args_path(self): """Return the configure args file path associated with staging.""" return os.path.join(self.stage.path, _spack_configure_argsfile) @property def times_log_path(self): """Return the times log json file.""" return os.path.join(self.metadata_dir, spack_times_log) @property def install_configure_args_path(self): """Return the configure args file path on successful installation.""" return os.path.join(self.metadata_dir, _spack_configure_argsfile) # TODO (post-34236): Update tests and all packages that use this as a # TODO (post-34236): package method to the function already available # TODO (post-34236): to packages. Once done, remove this property. @property def install_test_root(self): """Return the install test root directory.""" tty.warn( "The 'pkg.install_test_root' property is deprecated with removal " "expected v0.23. Use 'install_test_root(pkg)' instead." ) return install_test_root(self)
[docs] def archive_install_test_log(self): """Archive the install-phase test log, if present.""" if getattr(self, "tester", None): self.tester.archive_install_test_log(self.metadata_dir)
@property def tester(self): if not self.spec.versions.concrete: raise ValueError("Cannot retrieve tester for package without concrete version.") if not self._tester: self._tester = PackageTest(self) return self._tester @property def installed(self): msg = ( 'the "PackageBase.installed" property is deprecated and will be ' 'removed in Spack v0.19, use "Spec.installed" instead' ) warnings.warn(msg) return self.spec.installed @property def installed_upstream(self): msg = ( 'the "PackageBase.installed_upstream" property is deprecated and will ' 'be removed in Spack v0.19, use "Spec.installed_upstream" instead' ) warnings.warn(msg) return self.spec.installed_upstream @property def fetcher(self): if not self.spec.versions.concrete: raise ValueError("Cannot retrieve fetcher for package without concrete version.") if not self._fetcher: self._fetcher = fs.for_package_version(self) return self._fetcher @fetcher.setter def fetcher(self, f): self._fetcher = f self._fetcher.set_package(self)
[docs] @classmethod def dependencies_of_type(cls, deptypes: dt.DepFlag): """Get names of dependencies that can possibly have these deptypes. This analyzes the package and determines which dependencies *can* be a certain kind of dependency. Note that they may not *always* be this kind of dependency, since dependencies can be optional, so something may be a build dependency in one configuration and a run dependency in another. """ return { name for name, dependencies in cls.dependencies_by_name().items() if any(deptypes & dep.depflag for dep in dependencies) }
# TODO: allow more than one active extendee. @property def extendee_spec(self): """ Spec of the extendee of this package, or None if it is not an extension """ if not self.extendees: return None deps = [] # If the extendee is in the spec's deps already, return that. for dep in self.spec.traverse(deptype=("link", "run")): if in self.extendees: deps.append(dep) if deps: assert len(deps) == 1 return deps[0] # if the spec is concrete already, then it extends something # that is an *optional* dependency, and the dep isn't there. if self.spec._concrete: return None else: # If it's not concrete, then return the spec from the # extends() directive since that is all we know so far. spec_str = next(iter(self.extendees)) return spack.spec.Spec(spec_str) @property def is_extension(self): # if it is concrete, it's only an extension if it actually # dependes on the extendee. if self.spec._concrete: return self.extendee_spec is not None else: # If not, then it's an extension if it *could* be an extension return bool(self.extendees)
[docs] def extends(self, spec): """ Returns True if this package extends the given spec. If ``self.spec`` is concrete, this returns whether this package extends the given spec. If ``self.spec`` is not concrete, this returns whether this package may extend the given spec. """ if not in self.extendees: return False s = self.extendee_spec return s and spec.satisfies(s)
[docs] def provides(self, vpkg_name): """ True if this package provides a virtual package with the specified name """ return any( any( == vpkg_name for spec in provided) for when_spec, provided in self.provided.items() if self.spec.intersects(when_spec) )
@property def virtuals_provided(self): """ virtual packages provided by this package with its spec """ return [ vspec for when_spec, provided in self.provided.items() for vspec in provided if self.spec.satisfies(when_spec) ]
[docs] @classmethod def provided_virtual_names(cls): """Return sorted list of names of virtuals that can be provided by this package.""" return sorted(set( for virtuals in cls.provided.values() for vpkg in virtuals))
@property def prefix(self): """Get the prefix into which this package should be installed.""" return self.spec.prefix @property def home(self): return self.prefix @property # type: ignore[misc] @memoized def compiler(self): """Get the spack.compiler.Compiler object used to build this package""" if not self.spec.concrete: raise ValueError("Can only get a compiler for a concrete package.") return spack.compilers.compiler_for_spec(self.spec.compiler, self.spec.architecture)
[docs] def url_version(self, version): """ Given a version, this returns a string that should be substituted into the package's URL to download that version. By default, this just returns the version string. Subclasses may need to override this, e.g. for boost versions where you need to ensure that there are _'s in the download URL. """ return str(version)
[docs] def remove_prefix(self): """ Removes the prefix for a package along with any empty parent directories """
@property def download_instr(self): """ Defines the default manual download instructions. Packages can override the property to provide more information. Returns: (str): default manual download instructions """ required = ( f"Manual download is required for {}. " if self.manual_download else "" ) return f"{required}Refer to {self.homepage} for download instructions."
[docs] def do_fetch(self, mirror_only=False): """ Creates a stage directory and downloads the tarball for this package. Working directory will be set to the stage directory. """ if not self.has_code or self.spec.external: tty.debug("No fetch required for {0}".format( return checksum = spack.config.get("config:checksum") fetch = self.stage.needs_fetching if ( checksum and fetch and (self.version not in self.versions) and (not isinstance(self.version, GitVersion)) ): tty.warn( "There is no checksum on file to fetch %s safely." % self.spec.cformat("{name}{@version}") ) # Ask the user whether to skip the checksum if we're # interactive, but just fail if non-interactive. ck_msg = "Add a checksum or use --no-checksum to skip this check." ignore_checksum = False if sys.stdout.isatty(): ignore_checksum = tty.get_yes_or_no(" Fetch anyway?", default=False) if ignore_checksum: tty.debug("Fetching with no checksum. {0}".format(ck_msg)) if not ignore_checksum: raise spack.error.FetchError( "Will not fetch %s" % self.spec.format("{name}{@version}"), ck_msg ) deprecated = spack.config.get("config:deprecated") if not deprecated and self.versions.get(self.version, {}).get("deprecated", False): tty.warn( "{0} is deprecated and may be removed in a future Spack " "release.".format(self.spec.format("{name}{@version}")) ) # Ask the user whether to install deprecated version if we're # interactive, but just fail if non-interactive. dp_msg = ( "If you are willing to be a maintainer for this version " "of the package, submit a PR to remove `deprecated=False" "`, or use `--deprecated` to skip this check." ) ignore_deprecation = False if sys.stdout.isatty(): ignore_deprecation = tty.get_yes_or_no(" Fetch anyway?", default=False) if ignore_deprecation: tty.debug("Fetching deprecated version. {0}".format(dp_msg)) if not ignore_deprecation: raise spack.error.FetchError( "Will not fetch {0}".format(self.spec.format("{name}{@version}")), dp_msg ) self.stage.create() err_msg = None if not self.manual_download else self.download_instr start_time = time.time() self.stage.fetch(mirror_only, err_msg=err_msg) self._fetch_time = time.time() - start_time if checksum and self.version in self.versions: self.stage.check() self.stage.cache_local()
[docs] def do_stage(self, mirror_only=False): """Unpacks and expands the fetched tarball.""" # Always create the stage directory at this point. Why? A no-code # package may want to use the installation process to install metadata. self.stage.create() # Fetch/expand any associated code. if self.has_code: self.do_fetch(mirror_only) self.stage.expand_archive() else: # Support for post-install hooks requires a stage.source_path fsys.mkdirp(self.stage.source_path)
[docs] def do_patch(self): """Applies patches if they haven't been applied already.""" if not self.spec.concrete: raise ValueError("Can only patch concrete packages.") # Kick off the stage first. This creates the stage. self.do_stage() # Package can add its own patch function. has_patch_fun = hasattr(self, "patch") and callable(self.patch) # Get the patches from the spec (this is a shortcut for the MV-variant) patches = self.spec.patches # If there are no patches, note it. if not patches and not has_patch_fun: tty.msg("No patches needed for {0}".format( return # Construct paths to special files in the archive dir used to # keep track of whether patches were successfully applied. archive_dir = self.stage.source_path good_file = os.path.join(archive_dir, ".spack_patched") no_patches_file = os.path.join(archive_dir, ".spack_no_patches") bad_file = os.path.join(archive_dir, ".spack_patch_failed") # If we encounter an archive that failed to patch, restage it # so that we can apply all the patches again. if os.path.isfile(bad_file): if self.stage.requires_patch_success: tty.debug("Patching failed last time. Restaging.") self.stage.restage() else: # develop specs/ DIYStages may have patch failures but # should never be restaged msg = ( "A patch failure was detected in %s." % + " Build errors may occur due to this." ) tty.warn(msg) return # If this file exists, then we already applied all the patches. if os.path.isfile(good_file): tty.msg("Already patched {0}".format( return elif os.path.isfile(no_patches_file): tty.msg("No patches needed for {0}".format( return errors = [] # Apply all the patches for specs that match this one patched = False for patch in patches: try: with fsys.working_dir(self.stage.source_path): patch.apply(self.stage) tty.msg("Applied patch {0}".format(patch.path_or_url)) patched = True except spack.error.SpackError as e: # Touch bad file if anything goes wrong. fsys.touch(bad_file) error_msg = f"Patch {patch.path_or_url} failed." if self.stage.requires_patch_success: tty.msg(error_msg) raise else: tty.debug(error_msg) tty.debug(e) errors.append(e) if has_patch_fun: try: with fsys.working_dir(self.stage.source_path): self.patch() tty.msg("Ran patch() for {0}".format( patched = True except spack.multimethod.NoSuchMethodError: # We are running a multimethod without a default case. # If there's no default it means we don't need to patch. if not patched: # if we didn't apply a patch from a patch() # directive, AND the patch function didn't apply, say # no patches are needed. Otherwise, we already # printed a message for each patch. tty.msg("No patches needed for {0}".format( except spack.error.SpackError as e: # Touch bad file if anything goes wrong. fsys.touch(bad_file) error_msg = f"patch() function failed for {}" if self.stage.requires_patch_success: tty.msg(error_msg) raise else: tty.debug(error_msg) tty.debug(e) errors.append(e) if not errors: # Get rid of any old failed file -- patches have either succeeded # or are not needed. This is mostly defensive -- it's needed # if we didn't restage if os.path.isfile(bad_file): os.remove(bad_file) # touch good or no patches file so that we skip next time. if patched: fsys.touch(good_file) else: fsys.touch(no_patches_file)
[docs] @classmethod def all_patches(cls): """Retrieve all patches associated with the package. Retrieves patches on the package itself as well as patches on the dependencies of the package.""" patches = [] for _, patch_list in cls.patches.items(): for patch in patch_list: patches.append(patch) pkg_deps = cls.dependencies for dep_name in pkg_deps: for _, dependency in pkg_deps[dep_name].items(): for _, patch_list in dependency.patches.items(): for patch in patch_list: patches.append(patch) return patches
[docs] def content_hash(self, content=None): """Create a hash based on the artifacts and patches used to build this package. This includes: * source artifacts (tarballs, repositories) used to build; * content hashes (``sha256``'s) of all patches applied by Spack; and * canonicalized contents the ```` recipe used to build. This hash is only included in Spack's DAG hash for concrete specs, but if it happens to be called on a package with an abstract spec, only applicable (i.e., determinable) portions of the hash will be included. """ # list of components to make up the hash hash_content = [] # source artifacts/repositories # TODO: resources if self.spec.versions.concrete: try: source_id = fs.for_package_version(self).source_id() except (fs.ExtrapolationError, fs.InvalidArgsError): # ExtrapolationError happens if the package has no fetchers defined. # InvalidArgsError happens when there are version directives with args, # but none of them identifies an actual fetcher. source_id = None if not source_id: # TODO? in cases where a digest or source_id isn't available, # should this attempt to download the source and set one? This # probably only happens for source repositories which are # referenced by branch name rather than tag or commit ID. env = spack.environment.active_environment() from_local_sources = env and env.is_develop(self.spec) if self.has_code and not self.spec.external and not from_local_sources: message = "Missing a source id for {}@{s.version}" tty.debug(message.format(s=self)) hash_content.append("".encode("utf-8")) else: hash_content.append(source_id.encode("utf-8")) # patch sha256's # Only include these if they've been assigned by the concretizer. # We check spec._patches_assigned instead of spec.concrete because # we have to call package_hash *before* marking specs concrete if self.spec._patches_assigned(): hash_content.extend( ":".join((p.sha256, str(p.level))).encode("utf-8") for p in self.spec.patches ) # contents hash_content.append(package_hash(self.spec, source=content).encode("utf-8")) # put it all together and encode as base32 b32_hash = base64.b32encode( hashlib.sha256(bytes().join(sorted(hash_content))).digest() ).lower() b32_hash = b32_hash.decode("utf-8") return b32_hash
@property def cmake_prefix_paths(self): return [self.prefix] def _has_make_target(self, target): """Checks to see if 'target' is a valid target in a Makefile. Parameters: target (str): the target to check for Returns: bool: True if 'target' is found, else False """ # Prevent altering LC_ALL for 'make' outside this function make = copy.deepcopy(inspect.getmodule(self).make) # Use English locale for missing target message comparison make.add_default_env("LC_ALL", "C") # Check if we have a Makefile for makefile in ["GNUmakefile", "Makefile", "makefile"]: if os.path.exists(makefile): break else: tty.debug("No Makefile found in the build directory") return False # Check if 'target' is a valid target. # # `make -n target` performs a "dry run". It prints the commands that # would be run but doesn't actually run them. If the target does not # exist, you will see one of the following error messages: # # GNU Make: # make: *** No rule to make target `test'. Stop. # *** No rule to make target 'test'. Stop. # # BSD Make: # make: don't know how to make test. Stop missing_target_msgs = [ "No rule to make target `{0}'. Stop.", "No rule to make target '{0}'. Stop.", "don't know how to make {0}. Stop", ] kwargs = {"fail_on_error": False, "output": os.devnull, "error": str} stderr = make("-n", target, **kwargs) for missing_target_msg in missing_target_msgs: if missing_target_msg.format(target) in stderr: tty.debug("Target '{0}' not found in {1}".format(target, makefile)) return False return True def _if_make_target_execute(self, target, *args, **kwargs): """Runs ``make target`` if 'target' is a valid target in the Makefile. Parameters: target (str): the target to potentially execute """ if self._has_make_target(target): # Execute target inspect.getmodule(self).make(target, *args, **kwargs) def _has_ninja_target(self, target): """Checks to see if 'target' is a valid target in a Ninja build script. Parameters: target (str): the target to check for Returns: bool: True if 'target' is found, else False """ ninja = inspect.getmodule(self).ninja # Check if we have a Ninja build script if not os.path.exists(""): tty.debug("No Ninja build script found in the build directory") return False # Get a list of all targets in the Ninja build script # all_targets = ninja("-t", "targets", "all", output=str).split("\n") # Check if 'target' is a valid target matches = [line for line in all_targets if line.startswith(target + ":")] if not matches: tty.debug("Target '{0}' not found in".format(target)) return False return True def _if_ninja_target_execute(self, target, *args, **kwargs): """Runs ``ninja target`` if 'target' is a valid target in the Ninja build script. Parameters: target (str): the target to potentially execute """ if self._has_ninja_target(target): # Execute target inspect.getmodule(self).ninja(target, *args, **kwargs) def _get_needed_resources(self): # We use intersects here cause it would also work if self.spec is abstract resources = [ resource for when_spec, resource_list in self.resources.items() if self.spec.intersects(when_spec) for resource in resource_list ] # Sorts the resources by the length of the string representing their destination. Since any # nested resource must contain another resource's path, that should work return sorted(resources, key=lambda res: len(res.destination)) def _resource_stage(self, resource): pieces = ["resource",, self.spec.dag_hash()] resource_stage_folder = "-".join(pieces) return resource_stage_folder
[docs] def do_install(self, **kwargs): """Called by commands to install a package and or its dependencies. Package implementations should override install() to describe their build process. Args: cache_only (bool): Fail if binary package unavailable. dirty (bool): Don't clean the build environment before installing. explicit (bool): True if package was explicitly installed, False if package was implicitly installed (as a dependency). fail_fast (bool): Fail if any dependency fails to install; otherwise, the default is to install as many dependencies as possible (i.e., best effort installation). fake (bool): Don't really build; install fake stub files instead. force (bool): Install again, even if already installed. install_deps (bool): Install dependencies before installing this package install_source (bool): By default, source is not installed, but for debugging it might be useful to keep it around. keep_prefix (bool): Keep install prefix on failure. By default, destroys it. keep_stage (bool): By default, stage is destroyed only if there are no exceptions during build. Set to True to keep the stage even with exceptions. restage (bool): Force spack to restage the package source. skip_patch (bool): Skip patch stage of build if True. stop_before (str): stop execution before this installation phase (or None) stop_at (str): last installation phase to be executed (or None) tests (bool or list or set): False to run no tests, True to test all packages, or a list of package names to run tests for some use_cache (bool): Install from binary package, if available. verbose (bool): Display verbose build output (by default, suppresses it) """ PackageInstaller([(self, kwargs)]).install()
# TODO (post-34236): Update tests and all packages that use this as a # TODO (post-34236): package method to the routine made available to # TODO (post-34236): packages. Once done, remove this method.
[docs] def cache_extra_test_sources(self, srcs): """Copy relative source paths to the corresponding install test subdir This method is intended as an optional install test setup helper for grabbing source files/directories during the installation process and copying them to the installation test subdirectory for subsequent use during install testing. Args: srcs (str or list): relative path for files and or subdirectories located in the staged source path that are to be copied to the corresponding location(s) under the install testing directory. """ msg = ( "'pkg.cache_extra_test_sources(srcs) is deprecated with removal " "expected in v0.23. Use 'cache_extra_test_sources(pkg, srcs)' " "instead." ) warnings.warn(msg) cache_extra_test_sources(self, srcs)
[docs] def do_test(self, dirty=False, externals=False): if self.test_requires_compiler: compilers = spack.compilers.compilers_for_spec( self.spec.compiler, arch_spec=self.spec.architecture ) if not compilers: tty.error( "Skipping tests for package %s\n" % self.spec.format("{name}-{version}-{hash:7}") + "Package test requires missing compiler %s" % self.spec.compiler ) return kwargs = { "dirty": dirty, "fake": False, "context": "test", "externals": externals, "verbose": tty.is_verbose(), } self.tester.stand_alone_tests(kwargs)
# TODO (post-34236): Remove this deprecated method when eliminate test, # TODO (post-34236): run_test, etc. @property def _test_deprecated_warning(self): alt = f"Use any name starting with 'test_' instead in {}." return f"The 'test' method is deprecated. {alt}" # TODO (post-34236): Remove this deprecated method when eliminate test, # TODO (post-34236): run_test, etc.
[docs] def test(self): # Defer tests to virtual and concrete packages warnings.warn(self._test_deprecated_warning)
# TODO (post-34236): Remove this deprecated method when eliminate test, # TODO (post-34236): run_test, etc.
[docs] def run_test( self, exe, options=[], expected=[], status=0, installed=False, purpose=None, skip_missing=False, work_dir=None, ): """Run the test and confirm the expected results are obtained Log any failures and continue, they will be re-raised later Args: exe (str): the name of the executable options (str or list): list of options to pass to the runner expected (str or list): list of expected output strings. Each string is a regex expected to match part of the output. status (int or list): possible passing status values with 0 meaning the test is expected to succeed installed (bool): if ``True``, the executable must be in the install prefix purpose (str): message to display before running test skip_missing (bool): skip the test if the executable is not in the install prefix bin directory or the provided work_dir work_dir (str or None): path to the smoke test directory """ def test_title(purpose, test_name): if not purpose: return f"test: {test_name}: execute {test_name}" match ="test: ([^:]*): (.*)", purpose) if match: # The test title has all the expected parts return purpose match ="test: (.*)", purpose) if match: reason = return f"test: {test_name}: {reason}" return f"test: {test_name}: {purpose}" base_exe = os.path.basename(exe) alternate = f"Use 'test_part' instead for {} to process {base_exe}." warnings.warn(f"The 'run_test' method is deprecated. {alternate}") extra = re.compile(r"[\s,\- ]") details = ( [extra.sub("", options)] if isinstance(options, str) else [extra.sub("", os.path.basename(opt)) for opt in options] ) details = "_".join([""] + details) if details else "" test_name = f"test_{base_exe}{details}", test_name), format="g") wdir = "." if work_dir is None else work_dir with fsys.working_dir(wdir, create=True): try: runner = which(exe) if runner is None and skip_missing: self.tester.status(test_name, TestStatus.SKIPPED, f"{exe} is missing") return assert runner is not None, f"Failed to find executable '{exe}'" self._run_test_helper(runner, options, expected, status, installed, purpose) self.tester.status(test_name, TestStatus.PASSED, None) return True except (AssertionError, BaseException) as e: # print a summary of the error to the log file # so that cdash and junit reporters know about it exc_type, _, tb = sys.exc_info() self.tester.status(test_name, TestStatus.FAILED, str(e)) import traceback # remove the current call frame to exclude the extract_stack # call from the error stack = traceback.extract_stack()[:-1] # Package files have a line added at import time, so we re-read # the file to make line numbers match. We have to subtract two # from the line number because the original line number is # inflated once by the import statement and the lines are # displaced one by the import statement. for i, entry in enumerate(stack): filename, lineno, function, text = entry if spack.repo.is_package_file(filename): with open(filename, "r") as f: lines = f.readlines() new_lineno = lineno - 2 text = lines[new_lineno] stack[i] = (filename, new_lineno, function, text) # Format the stack to print and print it out = traceback.format_list(stack) for line in out: print(line.rstrip("\n")) if exc_type is spack.util.executable.ProcessError: out = io.StringIO() spack.build_environment.write_log_summary( out, "test", self.tester.test_log_file, last=1 ) m = out.getvalue() else: # We're below the package context, so get context from # stack instead of from traceback. # The traceback is truncated here, so we can't use it to # traverse the stack. context = spack.build_environment.get_package_context(tb) m = "\n".join(context) if context else "" exc = e # e is deleted after this block # If we fail fast, raise another error if spack.config.get("config:fail_fast", False): raise TestFailure([(exc, m)]) else: self.tester.add_failure(exc, m) return False
# TODO (post-34236): Remove this deprecated method when eliminate test, # TODO (post-34236): run_test, etc. def _run_test_helper(self, runner, options, expected, status, installed, purpose): status = [status] if isinstance(status, int) else status expected = [expected] if isinstance(expected, str) else expected options = [options] if isinstance(options, str) else options if installed: msg = f"Executable '{}' expected in prefix, " msg += f"found in {runner.path} instead" assert runner.path.startswith(self.spec.prefix), msg tty.msg(f"Expecting return code in {status}") try: output = runner(*options, output=str.split, error=str.split) assert 0 in status, f"Expected {} execution to fail" except ProcessError as err: output = str(err) match ="exited with status ([0-9]+)", output) if not (match and int( in status): raise for check in expected: cmd = " ".join([] + options) msg = f"Expected '{check}' to match output of `{cmd}`" msg += f"\n\nOutput: {output}" assert, output), msg
[docs] def unit_test_check(self): """Hook for unit tests to assert things about package internals. Unit tests can override this function to perform checks after ``Package.install`` and all post-install hooks run, but before the database is updated. The overridden function may indicate that the install procedure should terminate early (before updating the database) by returning ``False`` (or any value such that ``bool(result)`` is ``False``). Return: (bool): ``True`` to continue, ``False`` to skip ``install()`` """ return True
[docs] @classmethod def inject_flags(cls: Type[Pb], name: str, flags: Iterable[str]) -> FLAG_HANDLER_RETURN_TYPE: """ flag_handler that injects all flags through the compiler wrapper. """ return flags, None, None
[docs] @classmethod def env_flags(cls: Type[Pb], name: str, flags: Iterable[str]) -> FLAG_HANDLER_RETURN_TYPE: """ flag_handler that adds all flags to canonical environment variables. """ return None, flags, None
[docs] @classmethod def build_system_flags( cls: Type[Pb], name: str, flags: Iterable[str] ) -> FLAG_HANDLER_RETURN_TYPE: """ flag_handler that passes flags to the build system arguments. Any package using `build_system_flags` must also implement `flags_to_build_system_args`, or derive from a class that implements it. Currently, AutotoolsPackage and CMakePackage implement it. """ return None, None, flags
[docs] def setup_run_environment(self, env): """Sets up the run environment for a package. Args: env (spack.util.environment.EnvironmentModifications): environment modifications to be applied when the package is run. Package authors can call methods on it to alter the run environment. """ pass
[docs] def setup_dependent_run_environment(self, env, dependent_spec): """Sets up the run environment of packages that depend on this one. This is similar to ``setup_run_environment``, but it is used to modify the run environments of packages that *depend* on this one. This gives packages like Python and others that follow the extension model a way to implement common environment or run-time settings for dependencies. Args: env (spack.util.environment.EnvironmentModifications): environment modifications to be applied when the dependent package is run. Package authors can call methods on it to alter the build environment. dependent_spec (spack.spec.Spec): The spec of the dependent package about to be run. This allows the extendee (self) to query the dependent's state. Note that *this* package's spec is available as ``self.spec`` """ pass
[docs] def setup_dependent_package(self, module, dependent_spec): """Set up Python module-scope variables for dependent packages. Called before the install() method of dependents. Default implementation does nothing, but this can be overridden by an extendable package to set up the module of its extensions. This is useful if there are some common steps to installing all extensions for a certain package. Examples: 1. Extensions often need to invoke the ``python`` interpreter from the Python installation being extended. This routine can put a ``python()`` Executable object in the module scope for the extension package to simplify extension installs. 2. MPI compilers could set some variables in the dependent's scope that point to ``mpicc``, ``mpicxx``, etc., allowing them to be called by common name regardless of which MPI is used. 3. BLAS/LAPACK implementations can set some variables indicating the path to their libraries, since these paths differ by BLAS/LAPACK implementation. Args: module (spack.package_base.PackageBase.module): The Python ``module`` object of the dependent package. Packages can use this to set module-scope variables for the dependent to use. dependent_spec (spack.spec.Spec): The spec of the dependent package about to be built. This allows the extendee (self) to query the dependent's state. Note that *this* package's spec is available as ``self.spec``. """ pass
_flag_handler: Optional[FLAG_HANDLER_TYPE] = None @property def flag_handler(self) -> FLAG_HANDLER_TYPE: if self._flag_handler is None: self._flag_handler = PackageBase.inject_flags return self._flag_handler @flag_handler.setter def flag_handler(self, var: FLAG_HANDLER_TYPE) -> None: self._flag_handler = var # The flag handler method is called for each of the allowed compiler flags. # It returns a triple of inject_flags, env_flags, build_system_flags. # The flags returned as inject_flags are injected through the spack # compiler wrappers. # The flags returned as env_flags are passed to the build system through # the environment variables of the same name. # The flags returned as build_system_flags are passed to the build system # package subclass to be turned into the appropriate part of the standard # arguments. This is implemented for build system classes where # appropriate and will otherwise raise a NotImplementedError.
[docs] def flags_to_build_system_args(self, flags): # Takes flags as a dict name: list of values if any(v for v in flags.values()): msg = "The {0} build system".format(self.__class__.__name__) msg += " cannot take command line arguments for compiler flags" raise NotImplementedError(msg)
[docs] @staticmethod def uninstall_by_spec(spec, force=False, deprecator=None): if not os.path.isdir(spec.prefix): # prefix may not exist, but DB may be inconsistent. Try to fix by # removing, but omit hooks. specs =, installed=True) if specs: if deprecator:[0], deprecator) tty.debug("Deprecating stale DB entry for {0}".format(spec.short_spec)) else:[0]) tty.debug("Removed stale DB entry for {0}".format(spec.short_spec)) return else: raise InstallError(str(spec) + " is not installed.") if not force: dependents = spec, direction="parents", transitive=True, deptype=("link", "run") ) if dependents: raise PackageStillNeededError(spec, dependents) # Try to get the package for the spec try: pkg = spec.package except spack.repo.UnknownEntityError: pkg = None # Pre-uninstall hook runs first. with if pkg is not None: try: spack.hooks.pre_uninstall(spec) except Exception as error: if force: error_msg = ( "One or more pre_uninstall hooks have failed" " for {0}, but Spack is continuing with the" " uninstall".format(str(spec)) ) if isinstance(error, spack.error.SpackError): error_msg += "\n\nError message: {0}".format(str(error)) tty.warn(error_msg) # Note that if the uninstall succeeds then we won't be # seeing this error again and won't have another chance # to run the hook. else: raise # Uninstalling in Spack only requires removing the prefix. if not spec.external: msg = "Deleting package prefix [{0}]" tty.debug(msg.format(spec.short_spec)) # test if spec is already deprecated, not whether we want to # deprecate it now deprecated = bool(, deprecated) # Delete DB entry if deprecator: msg = "deprecating DB entry [{0}] in favor of [{1}]" tty.debug(msg.format(spec.short_spec, deprecator.short_spec)), deprecator) else: msg = "Deleting DB entry [{0}]" tty.debug(msg.format(spec.short_spec)) if pkg is not None: try: spack.hooks.post_uninstall(spec) except Exception: # If there is a failure here, this is our only chance to do # something about it: at this point the Spec has been removed # from the DB and prefix, so the post-uninstallation hooks # will not have another chance to run. error_msg = ( "One or more post-uninstallation hooks failed for" " {0}, but the prefix has been removed (if it is not" " external).".format(str(spec)) ) tb_msg = traceback.format_exc() error_msg += "\n\nThe error:\n\n{0}".format(tb_msg) tty.warn(error_msg) tty.msg("Successfully uninstalled {0}".format(spec.short_spec))
[docs] def do_uninstall(self, force=False): """Uninstall this package by spec.""" # delegate to instance-less method. PackageBase.uninstall_by_spec(self.spec, force)
[docs] def do_deprecate(self, deprecator, link_fn): """Deprecate this package in favor of deprecator spec""" spec = self.spec # Install deprecator if it isn't installed already if not deprecator.package.do_install() old_deprecator = if old_deprecator: # Find this specs yaml file from its old deprecation self_yaml =, old_deprecator) else: self_yaml = # copy spec metadata to "deprecated" dir of deprecator depr_yaml =, deprecator) fsys.mkdirp(os.path.dirname(depr_yaml)) shutil.copy2(self_yaml, depr_yaml) # Any specs deprecated in favor of this spec are re-deprecated in # favor of its new deprecator for deprecated in deprecated.package.do_deprecate(deprecator, link_fn) # Now that we've handled metadata, uninstall and replace with link PackageBase.uninstall_by_spec(spec, force=True, deprecator=deprecator) link_fn(deprecator.prefix, spec.prefix)
def _check_extendable(self): if not self.extendable: raise ValueError("Package %s is not extendable!" %
[docs] def view(self): """Create a view with the prefix of this package as the root. Extensions added to this view will modify the installation prefix of this package. """ return YamlFilesystemView(self.prefix,
[docs] def do_restage(self): """Reverts expanded/checked out source to a pristine state.""" self.stage.restage()
[docs] def do_clean(self): """Removes the package's build stage and source tarball.""" self.stage.destroy()
[docs] @classmethod def format_doc(cls, **kwargs): """Wrap doc string at 72 characters and format nicely""" indent = kwargs.get("indent", 0) if not cls.__doc__: return "" doc = re.sub(r"\s+", " ", cls.__doc__) lines = textwrap.wrap(doc, 72) results = io.StringIO() for line in lines: results.write((" " * indent) + line + "\n") return results.getvalue()
@property def all_urls(self) -> List[str]: """A list of all URLs in a package. Check both class-level and version-specific URLs. Returns a list of URLs """ urls: List[str] = [] if hasattr(self, "url") and self.url: urls.append(self.url) # fetch from first entry in urls to save time if hasattr(self, "urls") and self.urls: urls.append(self.urls[0]) for args in self.versions.values(): if "url" in args: urls.append(args["url"]) return urls
[docs] def fetch_remote_versions( self, concurrency: Optional[int] = None ) -> Dict[StandardVersion, str]: """Find remote versions of this package. Uses ``list_url`` and any other URLs listed in the package file. Returns: dict: a dictionary mapping versions to URLs """ if not self.all_urls: return {} try: return spack.url.find_versions_of_archive( self.all_urls, self.list_url, self.list_depth, concurrency, reference_package=self ) except spack.util.web.NoNetworkConnectionError as e: tty.die("Package.fetch_versions couldn't connect to:", e.url, e.message)
@property def rpath(self): """Get the rpath this package links with, as a list of paths.""" deps = self.spec.dependencies(deptype="link") # on Windows, libraries of runtime interest are typically # stored in the bin directory if sys.platform == "win32": rpaths = [self.prefix.bin] rpaths.extend(d.prefix.bin for d in deps if os.path.isdir(d.prefix.bin)) else: rpaths = [self.prefix.lib, self.prefix.lib64] rpaths.extend(d.prefix.lib for d in deps if os.path.isdir(d.prefix.lib)) rpaths.extend(d.prefix.lib64 for d in deps if os.path.isdir(d.prefix.lib64)) return rpaths @property def rpath_args(self): """ Get the rpath args as a string, with -Wl,-rpath, for each element """ return " ".join("-Wl,-rpath,%s" % p for p in self.rpath) @property def builder(self): return spack.builder.create(self)
inject_flags = PackageBase.inject_flags env_flags = PackageBase.env_flags build_system_flags = PackageBase.build_system_flags
[docs] def use_cray_compiler_names(): """Compiler names for builds that rely on cray compiler names.""" os.environ["CC"] = "cc" os.environ["CXX"] = "CC" os.environ["FC"] = "ftn" os.environ["F77"] = "ftn"
[docs] def flatten_dependencies(spec, flat_dir): """Make each dependency of spec present in dir via symlink.""" for dep in spec.traverse(root=False): name = dep_path = dep_files = LinkTree(dep_path) os.mkdir(flat_dir + "/" + name) conflict = dep_files.find_conflict(flat_dir + "/" + name) if conflict: raise DependencyConflictError(conflict) dep_files.merge(flat_dir + "/" + name)
[docs] def possible_dependencies( *pkg_or_spec: Union[str, spack.spec.Spec, typing.Type[PackageBase]], transitive: bool = True, expand_virtuals: bool = True, depflag: dt.DepFlag = dt.ALL, missing: Optional[dict] = None, virtuals: Optional[set] = None, ) -> Dict[str, Set[str]]: """Get the possible dependencies of a number of packages. See ``PackageBase.possible_dependencies`` for details. """ packages = [] for pos in pkg_or_spec: if isinstance(pos, PackageMeta) and issubclass(pos, PackageBase): packages.append(pos) continue if not isinstance(pos, spack.spec.Spec): pos = spack.spec.Spec(pos) if spack.repo.PATH.is_virtual( packages.extend(p.package_class for p in spack.repo.PATH.providers_for( continue else: packages.append(pos.package_class) visited: Dict[str, Set[str]] = {} for pkg in packages: pkg.possible_dependencies( visited=visited, transitive=transitive, expand_virtuals=expand_virtuals, depflag=depflag, missing=missing, virtuals=virtuals, ) return visited
[docs] class PackageStillNeededError(InstallError): """Raised when package is still needed by another on uninstall.""" def __init__(self, spec, dependents): spec_fmt = spack.spec.DEFAULT_FORMAT + " /{hash:7}" dep_fmt = "{name}{@versions} /{hash:7}" super().__init__( f"Cannot uninstall {spec.format(spec_fmt)}, " f"needed by {[dep.format(dep_fmt) for dep in dependents]}" ) self.spec = spec self.dependents = dependents
[docs] class PackageError(spack.error.SpackError): """Raised when something is wrong with a package definition.""" def __init__(self, message, long_msg=None): super().__init__(message, long_msg)
[docs] class NoURLError(PackageError): """Raised when someone tries to build a URL for a package with no URLs.""" def __init__(self, cls): super().__init__("Package %s has no version with a URL." % cls.__name__)
[docs] class InvalidPackageOpError(PackageError): """Raised when someone tries perform an invalid operation on a package."""
[docs] class ExtensionError(PackageError): """Superclass for all errors having to do with extension packages."""
[docs] class ActivationError(ExtensionError): """Raised when there are problems activating an extension.""" def __init__(self, msg, long_msg=None): super().__init__(msg, long_msg)
[docs] class DependencyConflictError(spack.error.SpackError): """Raised when the dependencies cannot be flattened as asked for.""" def __init__(self, conflict): super().__init__("%s conflicts with another file in the flattened directory." % (conflict))
[docs] class ManualDownloadRequiredError(InvalidPackageOpError): """Raised when attempting an invalid operation on a package that requires a manual download."""